Our management software supports: Task Management, Resource Management, Project Tracking, Employee Time Tracking to add to the simple coordination of your projects.
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Online Project Management Software is a web-based management tool that is fully customizable to your projects and your work flow. One of the versatile products that help project managers is project management software. Very often, the managers are expected to handle multiple projects at the same time. Multiple projects can be highly challenging and stressful to the manager. Handling projects easily and efficiently by making use of our robust software tools is the focus we put on our product design. There are various factors that need to be taken into consideration while managing a project. Factors such as scheduling, resource allocation, cost control, quality control, risk management, etc. Keeping track of all of them can be highly complicated. Keeping track of each one's progress and performance will not be an easy task if it has to be handled manually. Efforts required by the project manager to coordinate various aspects of the project will be reduced considerably when you use effective project management software tools. Project Drive software will help the project manager become more efficient.
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Our management software supports: Task Management, Resource Management, Project Tracking, Employee Time Tracking to add to the simple coordination of your projects.
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Specifications Requirements Analysis, Feasibility Study, Choosing System Design, Design Phase, Project Execution, Control and Monitor, Project Closure. Most projects will fall into these management phases with minor variation in these phases depending on the specific project at hand.
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Therefore, Our Online Project Management Software was designed to assist in all project phases before setting out to launch your project. Our software guides you through your management methodology and co-defines the many minor phases of project management relevant to your specific project.
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Today organizations realize the importance of the need for universal project management standards.Project Drive software provides just that. When international project management standards are followed, we will be able to take over a project at any stage and complete it successfully without being dependent on the original development team.
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Project Drive is an easy to implement and simple to use web-based project management software that is fully customizable to your projects and your work flow.
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Choose Project Drive project management software for your company's needs.
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