Friday, February 26, 2010

How to Convert Word Processing Documents

When you receive a word processing document through email that you need to open but you don't have the correct application, do not fret. Many word processing applications are compatible with each other, especially in a Microsoft Windows environment. This is especially true when you are going from a simple application, like Notepad, to a more complex application like Word.

  1. Step 1

    Open the application into which you want to convert your word processing documents. For instance, if you want your word processing document to be Word, open your Word application.

  2. Step 2

    Click "File" in the main menu bar. Scroll down and click "Open."

  3. Step 3

    Browse for the word processing document that you want to convert. Highlight it and click the "Open" button at the bottom of the window. This may work, but you may lose some of the formatting that was on the original document.

  4. Step 4

    Click "File" in the main menu. Scroll down and click "Save As."

  5. Step 5

    Type a name for the file in the "Save As" field. Find a location for the converted file. Hit the drop-down "Save as type" and select a format to convert to. Click the "Save" button.

How to Use SMART Board to Create Interactive Learning Games

SMART Boards are interactive white boards that consist of a free-standing or wall-mounted white board, a projector, and a computer with SMART software. SMART (digital) pens allow a teacher to "draw" on the computer screen and insert text into documents. The SMART software comes with the SMART Notebook, a virtual notebook that you can use for brainstorming, classroom discussions and interactive learning.

  1. Step 1

    Choose an appropriate lesson plan for an interactive display. Interactive lessons give students the opportunity to fully participate in a lesson (as opposed to a lecture, which has students sitting in their seats, quietly following along). An example of a interactive-style lesson plan is one that has students split into groups to figure out answers. For example, you might pose the question to a fifth-grade math class: How do you think the pyramids were built?

  2. Step 2

    Open your SMART Notebook by clicking on the SMART book icon. The notebook will open to a blank workbook page. Write the question on the notebook for the class, and invite the students to come up with possible solutions.

  3. Step 3

    Once you have finished brainstorming for an activity, hold a class discussion and ask for student input on why the ideas might be valid or not. Use different colors to put a check mark next to ideas that most students think are valid.

  4. Step 4

    Ask students to expand and clarify on ideas. For the above sample question, students might suggest "slaves" or "geometry." Ask for more detail, such as how the slaves built the pyramid, or who else might have been involved.

  5. Step 5

    Split the class into groups (depending on how many valid ideas came out of the brainstorming activity). There should be a minimum of four students in each group. Have each group design a one-page "how to" on how their assigned activity may have led to a solution for the problem. For example, if one group is assigned the topic of "slaves," they should state (in a few short sentences or pictures), how slaves built the pyramid. Step 1 might be assisting with the layout of the pyramid base. A middle step might be to haul the steep rocks up ramps using hundreds of men.

  6. Step 6

    Have the students do a short presentation using the SMART camera and their presentation sheet. The SMART camera is a projection device: When the sheet is placed under the camera, the students' work will be visible on the screen.

How Do I Fix Windows Live Network?

Windows Live Network consists of web-based and installable applications to create an online community of Windows users. Where something goes amiss with your Windows Live utilities, the quickest and most efficient fix is to simply reinstall the utility that is causing you problems. This will overwrite the damaged or corrupt files with new variants, allowing you to continue using your favorite programs without delay.


Things You'll Need:

  • Windows Live Installation CD
  1. Step 1

    Insert the Windows Live installation CD into your computer.

  2. Step 2

    Select the option to "Install" the programs.

  3. Step 3

    Choose the option to perform a "Custom" installation.

  4. Step 4

    Check the box next to the program(s) that have been generating errors and press the "Install Now" button.

  5. Step 5

    Reboot your computer when the installation is complete.

How Can I Play a PC-DVD Game on My Computer?

PC-DVD games are designed for PC computers and not Macintosh/Apple brand computers. Computers must have a DVD-Rom drive to be able to play a PC-DVD game. Because DVD-Rom discs contain more storage space compared with a CD-Rom disc, more information can be kept on a single DVD-Rom compared with multiple CD-Rom discs. All the information on a PC-DVD game be stored on a single disc compared with being spread out over multiple CD-Rom discs.


Things You'll Need:

  • PC computer
  • DVD-ROM drive
  • PC-DVD game

    How to play a PC-DVD game.

  1. Step 1
    PC games must use a PC computer.
    in office for computer image by Anatoly Minkov from
    PC games must use a PC computer.

    Make sure a PC-DVD compatible computer is used. Apple computers cannot be used to play a PC-DVD computer game.

  2. Step 2
    DVD logo on disc drive.
    dvd image by Jose Juan Castellano from
    DVD logo on disc drive.

    Check to see if the computer has a DVD-Rom drive. A DVD logo will appear on the outside of the computer on the drive. DVD R/RW drives are OK to use as well.

  3. Step 3
    Insert DVD-Rom into drive.
    cd rom inserted into laptop image by Egor Ukoloff from
    Insert DVD-Rom into drive.

    Insert the PC-DVD game into the DVD-Rom drive. Close the DVD-Rom drive and installation instructions should come up automatically. If the instructions do not come up automatically, they can be manually brought up as well by clicking the "START" menu, then "My Computer," and double-click the drive where the game is located.

  4. Step 4
    Make sure your computer meets all the requirements to play the game.
    Businessman Works on Laptop - Packaging materials. image by Andy Dean from
    Make sure your computer meets all the requirements to play the game.

    Follow the on-screen instructions for installing the game. Instructions include where to save the game information. Newer computer games require to enter a product-key, which is located on the back of the DVD-Rom case or on the inside cover. It is usually a 16-digit number in the style of (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx). Some games require the computer to meet certain requirements. What the game requires will be listed on the packaging of the game.

  5. Step 5
    Enjoy the game!
    teddy bear and laptop image by apeschi from
    Enjoy the game!

    Once the game has fully installed, it is able to be played. If a link has been placed on the computer desktop, it can be double-clicked to start the game. Otherwise, locate where the game was installed and double-click the game title. The game should begin to start. To be able to play, the DVD-Rom must be in the DVD-Rom drive.

How to Repair a Corrupt .Wav File

Files become corrupt for various reasons; usually, an unexpected computer shutdown or software error causes file corruptions. A .wav file is an audio file, short for "waveform audio file." It was first introduced by Microsoft for the Windows 3.1 operating system. The .wav file is known for its excellent audio quality and large file size. There are numerous free audio-editing software programs that can play, manage, edit, and, in some cases, repair corrupt .wav files.


Things You'll Need:

  • Audio-editing software program

    Determine If the .Wav File Is Damaged

  1. Step 1

    Locate the .wav file. Right-click the file. In the menu that appears, select "Properties."

  2. Step 2

    Select the "Details" tab.

  3. Step 3

    Check for information in the Details pane. If information is missing, the file is corrupted.

  4. Repair the .Wav File

  5. Step 1

    Open your audio-editing software program.

  6. Step 2

    Open the .wav file you want to repair as a "RAW" file.

  7. Step 3

    Save the file in the .wav format.

  8. Step 4

    Close the audio-editing software.

  9. Step 5

    Play the .wav file to ensure that the repair and conversion was completed.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

How to Copy a Windows Explorer Folder List

Windows Explorer is the file manage application in Windows that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) with which to access files and folders on your hard drive and on other drives on your computer. Access the folders and files through Windows Explorer and then you can copy them. When you make an electronic copy of a list of folders, you copy not only the folders themselves, but the files contained in the folders.

  1. Step 1

    Click "Start" on the taskbar, then click "Computer."

  2. Step 2

    Double-click the C drive--or whichever drive the folder list resides on. Navigate the C drive to the folder list you wish to copy. Highlight the folder in the "Navigation" pane, which contains the desired folder list. The folder list you wish to copy appears in the "View" pane.

  3. Step 3

    Click in the "View" pane on the top folder in the list you wish to copy. The folder will now be highlighted.

  4. Step 4

    Press and hold the "Shift" key, then click the last folder in the list you wish to copy. Release the "Shift" key.

  5. Step 5

    Right-click in the field of highlighted folders, then click "Copy."

How to Boost a Toshiba Laptop's Volume

The Windows operating system on your Toshiba laptop contains a functionality that allows you to increase the volume. Your laptop's volume is a measure of the decibel levels of sound that your Toshiba laptop will put out. If you are having trouble hearing music of video files, you may need to boost the sound volume, which can be accomplished by following several steps.


Things You'll Need:

  • Toshiba laptop
  1. Step 1

    Press the "Start" button on your desktop.

  2. Step 2

    Click on the "Control Panel" icon then double-click on the icon labeled "Sounds and Audio Devices."

  3. Step 3

    Click on the "Volume" tab then move the device volume slider to increase the volume.

  4. Step 4

    Close the "Control Panel" when you have completed the operation, and your volume should be louder.

How to Set Up a CVS Server

The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a revision control system most commonly used on Unix and Linux operating systems. The program allows one or many users to work on the same set of project files at the same time, while keeping track of changes that occur over time. Users check out and check in project files by way of the CVS server. Setting up a CVS server is a quick and easy process once you know the proper commands.

  1. Step 1

    Open a command line or terminal screen. Run the following command to install CVS:

    sudo apt-get install cvs

    The installation process creates the repository in the "/var/lib/cvs" directory by default.

  2. Step 2

    Control the starting and stopping of the CVS server by installing Xinetd. Do so by running the following command:

    sudo apt-get install xinetd

  3. Step 3

    Open the file located at /etc/xinetd/cvspserver and add the following lines:

    service cvspserver
    port = 2401
    socket_type = stream
    protocol = tcp
    user = root
    wait = no
    type = UNLISTED
    server = /usr/bin/cvs
    server_args = -f --allow-root /var/lib/cvs pserver
    disable = no

  4. Step 4

    Start your newly-installed CVS server by running the following command:

    sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd start

    The CVS server has now been set up and you can begin adding new projects.

How to Recover From a Full Fragmented Drive

When you store data on your computer, it isn't always written onto your hard drive sequentially. Often, documents and programs are cut into dozens of smaller pieces and distributed throughout your computer's memory. This process is known as fragmentation, and it can negatively affect performance. Your computer must scan its entire memory to find each fragment of information, which takes time. When dealing with larger documents and programs, the delay is noticeable. Once a drive is fully fragmented, even the smallest document can take a while to open. You can easily solve this problem using Windows' pre-installed Disk Defragmenter.

  1. Step 1

    Click "Start," then "Programs," then "Accessories," then "System Tools," then "Disk Defragmenter."

  2. Step 2

    Click on the drive you wish to defragment and then click "Defragment."

  3. Step 3

    Wait for the Disk Defragmenter to finish its job. First it will analyse your system, presenting you with a graph of your system's fragmentation. Red areas are fragmented, while blue areas are continuous. As the tool shuffles your data, it will move red files alongside each other so that they become blue and complete. If your system is fully fragmented, this process can take upwards of 30 minutes.

  4. Step 4

    Once the process is complete, you will be presented with a summary stating how much of your data is continuous and how much remains fragmented. It is not uncommon to have between 1 percent and 5 percent fragmentation, even after the Disk Defragmenter finishes its work.

  5. Step 5

    Close the Disk Defragmenter and open another program or document. You should notice an improvement in load time.

How to Uninstall the Vista Service Pack

In the world of computer operating systems, controversy surrounded the release of Windows Vista. Said to be a cumbersome system hog, Vista utilized a ton of your computer's memory and processing resources and frequently interfered with your applications in the name of security. With everyone complaining, Microsoft released service packs for Vista that addressed some of the common problems and other security issues. For some people, installing a service pack caused more problems, such as loss of Internet connectivity or proper application functioning. Uninstalling a service pack can sometimes fix such problems. There are two primary methods for doing so.


    Using the Application Wizard

  1. Step 1

    Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of your desktop.

  2. Step 2

    Type "appwiz.cpl" in the search box, then choose "Appwiz" from the list of programs that comes up. Wait for the program to start.

  3. Step 3

    Click the option to "View installed updates." A list of all the updates that you have installed for Windows Vista will display.

  4. Step 4

    Find the service pack that you wish to uninstall, highlight it, and click "Uninstall." Follow the instructions that are displayed to complete the uninstallation process.

  5. Using System Restore

  6. Step 1

    Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of your desktop.

  7. Step 2

    Type "System Restore" in the search box there, then choose it from the list of programs that comes up. System zrestore can take a few moments to start, so give it time.

  8. Step 3

    Check the "Choose a Different Restore Point" option when the dialogue box comes up. Then click "Next." Windows will display a list of updates for which it has created restore points. Restoring your computer will restore its state from before that particular update was installed. Note that it will roll back all updates that came after that one as well.

  9. Step 4

    Find the restore point that was made for the service pack you wish to uninstall. If it is not in the list, you may need to check the "Show restore points older than 5 days" box. When you find it, highlight it, then click "Next."

  10. Step 5

    Click "Finish." Windows will warn you that once you start the restore process, it is irreversible. Give Windows permission to go forward. The restore process will take several minutes; when it is finished, your service pack and all subsequent updates will be uninstalled.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How to Install an Internal Hard Drive on a Mac G3

Mac G3 is a series of personal computers produced by Apple in late 1997. It was the first Macintosh to use the PowerPC G3 microprocessor. Installing an internal hard drive in this computer is no different from installing a new hard drive in any tower unit. Once your remove the cover, just locate the hard drive and replace the old with the new. The process is fast and easy.


Things You'll Need:

  • Anti-static wrist band
  • Screwdriver
  1. Step 1

    Turn off the computer and unplug it from the electrical outlet.

  2. Step 2

    Locate the green button on the mini tower. It will be on one of the side panels on the tower. Press the button and slide the cover off the computer.

  3. Step 3

    Touch your hands on any bare metal surface and put on an anti-static wrist strap. This will protect your computer from static discharge.

  4. Step 4

    Turn the computer so that the power supply is facing you and to the back. Look to the right of the power supply; there you will find the mounting bracket for the hard drive.

  5. Step 5

    Locate the two screws that secure the bracket to the case of the computer and slide the bracket out.

  6. Step 6

    Disconnect the cables going into the old hard drive. You will find a cable that connects the drive to the circuit board and one that connects the power source to the hard drive. Remove the four screws that attach the hard drive to the mount.

  7. Step 7

    Secure the new hard drive into the bracket mount with the screws. Plug the cables into the new hard drive.

  8. Step 8

    Slide the bracket back into place and reinstall the two screws to secure it.

  9. Step 9

    Close the cover on the computer and plug the power cord back into the outlet.

  10. Step 10

    Turn the computer on and insert the setup CD that came with your hard drive.

  11. Step 11

    Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for hard drive setup.

How to Fix the Echo Sound on a Computer

Echo sounds can get annoying, especially if you are watching a movie or listening to music on your computer. It may not be an issue with your computer speakers. Chances are that your audio drivers are not functioning properly. You may have to update them to fix the echo sound.
  1. Step 1

    Check the drivers for your audio card to make sure they are updated. Click on the "Start" button and select "Run..." Type "devmgmt.msc" to launch the "Device Manager." Scroll down to find "Sound, Video and Game Controllers." Double-click on the sound device to launch its properties.

  2. Step 2

    Click on the tab "Driver." Hit the button that says "Update Driver." This should update the driver for your sound card. Test the sound to make sure the echo has been fixed. If this doesn't work, go to Step 3.

  3. Step 3

    Make sure you have the latest version of Microsoft DirectX. DirectX is a set of drivers that controls the sound and video displays. Go to Microsoft website (see Resources) and download the latest DirectX. Once the download process is complete, go back and test the sound. If this doesn't help either, go to Step 4.

  4. Step 4

    Go back to Device Manager as instructed in Step 1. Right-click on the sound device and select "Uninstall."

  5. Step 5

    Restart your computer. The device drivers should be reinstalled automatically. Test the sound to make sure the echo is fixed.

What Is a Data Logger?

A data logger is a computerized device that records information transmitted by other devices, storing it for download to a computer for analysis.


  1. Data loggers operate independently of a computer, allowing them to be used in small spaces where it is impractical to connect a full computer.
  2. Real-time and Logging

  3. Some data loggers are able to transmit the data they receive in real-time to a host computer for analysis, while others simply record information for later retrieval.
  4. Example of Use

  5. An example of how a data logger may be used is to record temperatures in a particular environment, such as a truck, for the food transportation industry.
  6. Speed

  7. Data loggers can record information at a rate ranging from one sample per minute to 500 samples or more per second.
  8. Programmable

  9. Some data loggers can be programmed to record multiple channels of different types of input.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

How to Create Animated Icons Using Pictures

Animation adds a sense of energy and motion to a website, which helps to catch the eye of visitors. This is important if you are hoping for repeat visits. While you can use pre-made animated icons, if you want custom animated icons that are based on your own pictures, you can either hire someone to make these for you or you can make them yourself. There are several approaches you can take to do this.


Things You'll Need:

  • Photoshop
  • GIMP
  • Online Converter


  1. Step 1

    Open Photoshop. Select "File" and click "New." In the sizing dialog, make the width and height what you want for your animated icon. Leave the resolution at 72, make the background "Transparent," name the file "Animated Icon 1" and click "OK."

  2. Step 2

    Select "File" and click "Open." Browse to the images you want to use and open them. Use the "Copy" and Paste" function under Edit to place each image in the Animated Icon 1 document. Each will appear on its own layer. Re-size each to fit the canvas.

  3. Step 3

    Select the "Animation" option under "Windows." In the time line that appears at the bottom of the screen click on the drop-down arrow in the upper right. Choose "Make Frames from Layers."

  4. Step 4

    Select "File" and click "Save for Web or Devices." In the dialog, choose "GIF" as the file type and save your file.

  5. GIMP

  6. Step 1

    Open GIMP. Select "File" and click "New." In the dialog, make the size what you want for your icon, make the background "Transparent" and click "OK."

  7. Step 2

    Select "File" and click "Open as Layers." Browse to and open the images you want to use. They will appear as new layers. Re-size each to fit the canvas.

  8. Step 3

    Select "File" and click "Save." In the following dialogs choose "Make Animated," set the frame duration and choose "Replace." Click "Export" to save your animated icon.

  9. Online Sites

  10. Step 1

    Load all the images that you want to use onto your computer and save them to a single folder. In order to organize the process, name them for the order you want to use them in the animation (1,2,3... or A,B.C...).

  11. Step 2

    Go to an online site that converts pictures to animated GIFs for free, such as or Picasion.

  12. Step 3

    Upload the images you want to use in the order you want them. Choose the speed and size of the animated GIF and submit the images. Then just download your GIF animated icons.

How to Archive Old Data in Access 2007

Microsoft Access allows users to manage and manipulate large amounts of data. Over time, as data loses its relevancy or you no longer have a use for it, you can archive it. There are a number of ways to archive old data, such as by creating an archive table, replacing the table altogether or replacing more than one table. While the process is relatively straightforward, it can become somewhat complicated if you are archiving parent records that are related to other tables. In that case, be sure to match up all child records with parent records prior to archiving.

  1. Step 1

    Select the Microsoft Access table that includes those records you intend to archive. Press "Ctrl+C" and then "Ctrl+V."

  2. Step 2

    Select "Structure Only" in the "Paste Table As" dialog box that pops up. Rename the table as "X_archive," where the "X" represents the name of your table, and then click "OK." Your archive table will now be listed under the "Navigation Pane."

  3. Step 3

    Click the "Query Design" button located under the "Create" tab. When the "Show Table" dialog box opens, highlight the archive table and click "Add."

  4. Step 4

    Double-click the field you will use to specify the parameters for the archive. For example, if you elect to archive by sale date, select the "Sale Date" field.

  5. Step 5

    Specify the criteria in the "Criteria" field located in the design grid along the bottom of the screen. For example, if you wish to archive those items with a sale date prior to Jan. 1, 2008, enter "<#1/1/2008#" in the field.

  6. Step 6

    Click "Append" in the "Design" tab. When the "Append" dialog box opens, select the archive table and click "OK." "Append to" now appears in the design grid. Clear the "Append to" row for any field that has information in the "Criteria" field. Save your query.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How to Connect Outlook to GoldMine

GoldMine is a computer program made by FrontRange Solutions that is used for customer relationship management (CRM). It allows businesses to organize sales activity, revenue, marketing campaigns and customer communication. It has integration services with various programs, including Microsoft Outlook. When you synchronize GoldMine with Outlook, you can access all your contact information from GoldMine when you go to email a client in Outlook. This tool provides a full email history for all of your contacts, increasing your productivity and ability to communicate.

How to Dispute Insurance Liability Decisions

The purpose of carrying insurance is to protect yourself in the event of an accident, but when an accident does occur, you must protect your rights. If you do not agree with the liability decision made by the insurance company, it is important to appeal that decision at once. How you approach the appeal will have a direct effect on how successful you will be.


Things You'll Need:

  • Insurance policy
  • Accident photographs
  • Police statements
  • Witness statements
  1. Step 1

    Contact any witnesses who saw the accident and ask those witnesses for a statement. Gather all of these witness statements for submission with your appeal.

  2. Step 2

    Gather any police statements that were taken at the time of the accident and read them carefully. Sometimes a police statement will clearly indicate who was at fault in the accident, while in other cases the conclusion may be less clear. If the police statement clearly indicates that you were at fault, your appeal options will be severely limited, and you will be unlikely to prevail in any case.

  3. Step 3

    Find any photographs that you took at the time of the accident. Anytime you are in an auto accident, you should be sure to take plenty of photographs, not only of the damage to the vehicles but of the surrounding area as well. Documenting things such as the width of the roadway and any obstructions will help the claims adjuster re-create the accident scene and decide who is at fault.

  4. Step 4

    Contact your insurance company and ask about the appeal process. In some cases the appeal form may be available online, while in other cases the insurance company may need to send you the form. When you do receive the form, fill it out completely and be sure to provide all of the information that is requested. Include copies of all of your supporting information, including photographs, witness statements and police reports.

  5. Step 5

    Follow up with the insurance company after a week to make sure that all of your information has been received. There will be a deadline for filing an appeal, so it is important to follow up and make sure that the appeal and supporting documentation has been received.

What Is Replacement Homeowner's Insurance?


  1. As its name indicates, replacement insurance is designed to replace an insured item at current cost without a deduction for depreciation. In contrast, actual cash value coverage deducts for depreciation, so the policyholder receives less money.
  2. Benefits

  3. Policyholders benefit from replacement cost coverage because they can replace an item based on its current market value, which accounts for the cost of inflation. If you expect your home's value to appreciate rapidly, replacement coverage is the better choice.
  4. Considerations

  5. While replacement cost coverage premiums are about 10 percent higher than those for actual cash coverage, according to, policyholders can receive significantly more in the event of a claim. Therefore, replacement cost coverage is a better choice for those who are concerned about rising inflation.
  6. Geography

  7. Where you live plays a major role in determining the replacement value as measured by your insurance company. The insurer takes into account its overall claims history in your area, and may place dollar limitations on certain items.
  8. Warning

  9. Replacement coverage is typically provided automatically only for the home itself, and not its contents. If you want replacement coverage for personal items, you will likely need to specifically ask for it when applying for coverage.

Why Whole Life Insurance Is Bad

In the past, whole life insurance offered the insurance coverage most people wanted. As investment strategies and financial instruments have changed, whole life policies may no longer be appealing, as other ways of investing have become more profitable.

    Whole Life Insurance Costs More

  1. Whole life insurance consists of two parts; the insurance policy and an investment account. Each premium payment therefor includes the cost of the insurance and money for the investment account.
  2. Mystery Money

  3. A portion of premium payments for whole life policies goes toward paying commissions, while another portion goes toward the investment account. Insurance companies do not disclose how the money is distributed.
  4. Investment Assumptions

  5. Agents and brokers can only predict what the investment component in a policy will yield. Predictions offer no guarantee and agents may make high predictions in order to get more business.
  6. Higher Investment Yields

  7. Although whole life insurance offers an investment component, money spent on the policy can yield a higher return if invested elsewhere. Financial instruments such as mutual funds often offer a high interest rate, which could create more profit than the money invested in a whole life policy.
  8. Length of Coverage

  9. Whole life policies provide life insurance coverage until you die. Although this type of policy offers attractive coverage to many, as income grows and other investments accumulate, life insurance coverage often becomes unnecessary.

How to Buy Home Equity Insurance

Not to be confused with a home equity loan, home equity insurance provides the buyer with peace of mind. Home markets are tricky. You never know when or if the market will drop drastically like it has in the past few years. When a market drops, it is great news for new home buyers but not so great for those who are trying to sell their homes. Home equity insurance will prevent you from taking a loss, but how do you decide whether or not it is worth it to buy.

  1. Step 1

    Get an insurance quote. This will give you an idea on what you will be paying per month for the insurance. After you get a quote, you can move forward in the decision making process.

  2. Step 2

    Ask yourself if you are going to sell your home, or live in it for a very long time. Some people have no intention of selling their home. If this is the case, then there is no need for home equity insurance. In the long run, most homes will gain value. So if you are worried about leaving your kids a home that has decreased in value, don't.

  3. Step 3

    Try to figure out how much you stand to lose on your home. Maybe you bought your home when prices were extremely high and you stand to lose a lot. Or maybe you bought it when it was low and you don't think you will lose that much. Just try to get a number that you can use to compare to the cost of the insurance.

  4. Step 4

    Add up your insurance cost for as long as you intend to keep the house, and weigh that against your potential loss. If the insurance cost is more, then don't get home equity insurance.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How to Get Free Flash Training Online

Do you like working with websites, but don't know how make them interactive for the user, or do you have a website and want to make it more creative ? If so, then you need to know How to Get Free Flash Training Online so you can start creating user interactive websites that stand out.

Flash is a multimedia platform that allows integration of audio and video in web pages.


Things You'll Need:

  • Computer
  • Internet
  1. Step 1

    Take a look at the list of sites offering free Flash training located in the Resources section below.

  2. Step 2

    Peruse through the sites and choose one, or all that you would like to start your learning with.

  3. Step 3

    Sign up for any e-mail alerts that will keep you informed of new training materials offered on these sites.

  4. Step 4

    Begin your learning. You can also get some free certifications from a reputable company, and the link is also located in the Resources section below, and will help you as you look for that new job, or promotion at work to show your competance level in developing interactive web pages using Flash.

  5. Step 5

    You are done, not with the learning of course. You just gained some free online training materials in Flash that will help you in becoming more proficient in creating interactive web pages.

How to embed YouTube Videos on other sites

YouTube is an awesome video sharing website. If you can think it, there's probably a video for it. You can easily spend countless hours enjoying what the YouTube community has to share. You may want to share a fun video you've found with your friends. Most YouTube videos can be embedded on other sites.


Things You'll Need:

  • Computer
  • Internet Browser
  • Somewhere to share a video
  1. Step 1

    Direct your web browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox to

  2. Step 2

    If you have a YouTube account, go ahead and log in. You can also use a Google Account login if you have one.

  3. Step 3

    Navigate to a video you want to share.

  4. Step 4

    On the right hand side of the video, is a URL and Embed option. We'll be using the Embed option. The text in this window is HTML code that we need in order to put the video on another site.

  5. Step 5

    Put your cursor in the text area, and it will highlight all the text. Copy this text by right-clicking and selecting Copy, or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-C.
    You can also click the widget icon next to Embed, which will give you additional options to how the video will display after you have embedded it.

  6. Step 6

    Navigate to the website that you'll be sharing this info. If it's your own site or blog, make sure you paste the copied text into a window that either recognizes HTML, or a HTML specific window.

  7. Step 7

    Save your work, and navigate to your site to make sure the video is displayed.

  8. Step 8

    Enjoy sharing the fun YouTube video with your friends!

How to Keep Freelance Graphics Skills Current

Working from home is a dream come true for many Graphic Designers. If you are skilled in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign -or Quark, your skills are always in demand. But keeping current is tough when software updates are so expensive and new versions come out yearly.

An advantage to working onsite is they keep the software up to date and the computers working. At home, it all falls on your shoulders. You never want to turn down work, so what do you do when asked if you can accept a job using a version you do not have? or the freelance company wants to test you?

There are many low cost and even free resources to keep your skills sharp. This is an especially good idea if you get lured back to an office by a great salary or benefits!

Things You'll Need:

  • A good computer with lots of RAM
  • A fast internet connection, DSL or Cable
  • Ability to self-learn software
  1. Step 1

    Don't Skimp on Hardware

    Crashing is downtime and downtime earns no money!

    Know and understand your computer! Make sure you have all the RAM you can reasonably afford. Keep your computer healthy: do due diligence when it comes to computer housekeeping -defrag if necessary, buy and use anti-virus and malware software! Don't forget to occasionally blow the dust out inside your computer shell. It collects over time and can damage delicate components.

    Remember, at 2:33 am working on a tight deadline, you do not want your computer to crash! You need to get up and working fast, a back up computer is a good idea. You will not get rehired for missing deadlines.

    Find and be active on computer forums. You will find yourself amongst friends. Be very clear and concise in your subject line and check back for answers and give thanks!

    Bad Forum Subject:
    OMG!!!! I NEED HELP!!!!

    Good Forum Subject:
    Windows XP crashing when pasting effects into InDesign CS3

    Chances are your problem is related to the OS or Software and someone has found a workaround or fix! Pay it back! Offer any help or suggestions you may contribute. Remember to stay on Topic -these forums are for professionals not gossip or drama!

  2. Step 2

    Know Your Software

    Do not think that your copy of Photoshop 5.5 is going to cut it in today's world. Yes, you may be able to do many of the same things but the end user may need the current version and can not even open your document or prep it for press. You will look unprofessional and worse, you make the person paying you look bad.

    Spend the time looking for tips and tricks. Read the latest books by the experts and subscribe to the graphics magazines. If you want to be considered a Photoshop Pro, then join the Professional Photoshop Organizations, they are full of helpful advisors and give credibility to your resume and are deductible business expenses.

    Software companies like Adobe manage very helpful online forums for their users. Learn about the latest bugs and fixes before they hit your wallet!

    Bad Forum Subject:

    Good Forum Subject:
    Need help with Illustrator CS4 drop shadow effects...

  3. Step 3

    Use 30 day free trials

    Many of the software companies offer 30 day free trials, this isn't cheating and they want you to use them! How else can they get you to spend so much money on software.

    Need to use an application you haven't touched in years? Download the 30 day free trial and see how well you do. Chances are you can use the search engines to find instructions on techniques and workflow that is unfamiliar. As soon as you become proficient and can afford it, buy the full version. Don't cheat, 30 days is a very generous offer.

    Many times an employer is so happy with your work, they will upgrade to a newer version if the job demands it. It is a deductible business expense but it may also be considered income, so be tax smart!

    There are also many Tutorial web sites offering lessons in the most popular software. Some are available for a minimal monthly fee like, others offer CDs or Books.